Friday, August 26, 2011

Crack Addiction on Recovery Now

This episode of Recovery Now portrays the story of Cory B and his family. Flash back footage shows Cory as a young man struggling with heroin and crack addiction. We see first hand the misery and devastation that Cory's using caused to himself, his wife Tiffany and their baby boy Kaden. Mike welcomes Cory on stage. 

"I feel like sticking with him and trying to help him through is was my duty to [our child]. So we need to pull our stuff together so that we could show her that we're okay, that she meant something to us."

"This is not easy, but coming forward and doing what you've done is amazing - and people need to see that. People need to see that heroin and crack cocaine, you can turn around and you can still be part of your family." ~Mike Cohen

He now has one year sober and tells us how he did it and what his life is like today. In a truly touching moment Mike Cohan welcomes Cory's wife and son on stage. Their love, peace and happiness made possible by recovery is wonderful to see and inspiring. Followed by musical guests and two real life interventions.

Cocaine Addiction

Cocaine is an intensely powerful addictive stimulant that acts directly into the brain. Cocaine is one of the most commonly abused drugs and the majority of the individuals who use cocaine are also users of other drugs.

The lethal dose of cocaine remains unknown.

Cocaine may in inhaled, snorted, injected or smoked. Irrespective of the method of intake, cocaine is still a potentially daedly agent. A common route of transportation of cocaine is by swallowing cocaine packed in condoms.

Behavioral therapies are frequently the only available effective treatment for cocaine addiction. However, amalgamation of both medical and behavioral treatments are more effective in the treatment of cocaine addiction.

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Drug Addiction Treatment

Drug addiction treatment is as individualized as the person (and family) that is seeking help. The goals of drug addiction treatment are to get an addict off a drug, multiple drugs or a combination of drugs and alcohol, and help the addict understand what led to and supported the addiction in the first place.

Whether a person is addicted to cocaine, crack, crystal meth, marijuana, OxyContin or another substance, there are rehab treatment programs that can help him/her obtain a life free from drugs. Another crucial goal is to give each person the tools they’ll need to stay off drugs in the future.

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

About Drug Addiction Treatment

Making an informed decision about addiction treatment is an important step in the entire drug addiction recovery process.  Drug Rehab feels education is a crucial part of this decision.  We are here to inform you about all your rehab treatment options and help you choose the one that best fits your addiction treatment needs.

No two people are alike in their addictions and the complicated path that led them to being a full-blown addict.  And no family and financial situation is the same. So how can all drug addiction rehab programs be right for all people?  They can’t.

Getting the needs of the addict met isn’t just a matter of going to any rehab center; it is going to the best rehab center for them.  Drug Rehab can help you find the drug addiction treatment that will meet your needs and focus on you as an individual.  This will improve your chances for long-term recovery from drugs.

What is drug addiction treatment?

Drug addiction treatment is as individualized as the person (and family) that is seeking help.   Whether you are addicted to cocaine, crack, crystal meth, marijuana, OxyContin or another substance, there are rehab treatment programs that can help you obtain a life free from drugs.

The goals of drug addiction treatment are to get you off a drug, multiple drugs or a combination of drugs and alcohol, and help you understand what led to and supported the addiction in the first place. Another other crucial goal is to give you the tools you’ll need to stay off drugs in the future.

Phases in a Drug Addiction Rehab Treatment Program include:

  • Medical management and partial hospitalization program
  • Residential
  • Day/Night with Sober Living Housing
  • Intensive outpatient
  • Outpatient
  • Aftercare
  • Alumni activities

Specific therapy and Treatment for Drug Addiction will include:

  • Drug addiction education
  • Group and individual counseling (for addicts and their family)
  • Relapse prevention
  • Sharing and support from others who have been where you are right now
  • Learning and practicing healthy lifestyle choices and activities
  • Participation in community support groups

I don’t need help finding drug addiction treatment—or do I?

It isn’t just about doing a web search or asking a friend.  It’s about having too many choices, too much information, and not understanding what to look for in an effective and client-centered drug addiction rehab treatment center.   It’s about finding the best drug addiction treatment for you, to give you or your addicted loved one the best chance for recovery.

Drug Rehab has professional counselors to help you find the best treatment and rehab options for your specific drug addiction.  Call us, we’re here to help.