This episode of Recovery Now portrays the story of Cory B and his family. Flash back footage shows Cory as a young man struggling with heroin and crack addiction. We see first hand the misery and devastation that Cory's using caused to himself, his wife Tiffany and their baby boy Kaden. Mike welcomes Cory on stage.
"I feel like sticking with him and trying to help him through is was my duty to [our child]. So we need to pull our stuff together so that we could show her that we're okay, that she meant something to us."
"This is not easy, but coming forward and doing what you've done is amazing - and people need to see that. People need to see that heroin and crack cocaine, you can turn around and you can still be part of your family." ~Mike Cohen
He now has one year sober and tells us how he did it and what his life is like today. In a truly touching moment Mike Cohan welcomes Cory's wife and son on stage. Their love, peace and happiness made possible by recovery is wonderful to see and inspiring. Followed by musical guests and two real life interventions.
Drug Rehab for most people, selecting the right alcohol or drug rehab program may be more intimidating than you'd think.